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World Heart Day: What are the most important factors for prevention & heart health

Dr.Konstantinos Spiliotopoulos, Cardiac Surgeon, M.D., Ph.D., F.E.T.C.S, Specialization in Aortic Surgery


Hyaluronic Acid: The most important hydration factor

Discovered in 1934 and for almost a century, science has generously offered us knowledge that's worth breaking down so we can learn together about its multi-purpose nature.


Castor oil for hair: The uses of the miracle oil

Let's get to know one of our most powerful natural allies in repairing our hair, the famous castor oil!


Collagen Peptides: A promising option with beneficial health benefits!

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, supporting about 1/3 of our body's structure. We are used to associating the word protein with muscle mass. However, protein is the "structure of our life" we would say... It is not only a component of our muscles, but it supports and protects our skin, hair, nails, vital organs, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels. There is no life, then, without the necessary amount of protein. One of the most important and abundant proteins that support our body is collagen, which is actively involved as a fundamental part in the building of various tissues in our body, playing a key role in skin elasticity and tissue flexibility.

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Constipation: Causes of occurrence & natural ways of treatment

The functional symptom of constipation is quite common, affecting around 19% of the world's population.


Weight Management & Nutrition: Is it as complicated as it seems?

You can't imagine how many factors ultimately influence what and how much we eat - but it's not so complicated, as we might think.


Cranberry: The beneficial properties and benefits of this summer must-have

Αfter the sunscreen with natural filter, it's time for the cranberry supplement to go in your bag along with your daily snack, since its benefits seem to be many and...evidence-based!


Cholesterol: How to reduce it and which food & supplements can help?

Cholesterol is a lipid produced by the liver and is required by the body for vitamin D production, the formation of the layers of cell membranes and the production of certain hormones, such as estrogen..

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Glucosamine: What are its benefits to the joints?

Glucosamine is produced and found naturally in the human body...


Protein: How much do I need and which supplements can I consume daily?

The word "protein" has taken over, for many years now in world of wellness...


Coenzyme Q10: The 5 most important health benefits

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like molecule, which is considered very important..


Magnesium: The properties and everything you need to know

Magnesium is a vital mineral for the normal functioning of the body..


I have water retention: How can I get rid of it?

You may experience weight fluctuations from one day to the other. This is most likely due to water retention

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Hyaluronic Acid: The most important hydration factor

Discovered in 1934 and for almost a century, science has generously offered us knowledge that's worth breaking down so we can learn together about its multi-purpose nature.


Castor oil for hair: The uses of the miracle oil

Let's get to know one of our most powerful natural allies in repairing our hair, the famous castor oil!


No Aluminum Deodorant: Why has been the best choice so far?

Aluminum-free deodorants are occupying an increasingly larger place in our daily lives, as their use has become very popular in recent years.


Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss: What is it and what benefits can provide?

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most well-known beverages and widely used supplements in weight loss.


Constipation: Causes of occurrence & natural ways of treatment

The functional symptom of constipation is quite common, affecting around 19% of the world's population.


Berberine & Blood Sugar: A promising ingredient

Berberine is a natural ingredient derived from the family plant, Berberis vulgaris.


Severe Anxiety & Insomnia: Natural ways of coping

We have chosen today to talk about a prominent in the lives of most of us, unpleasant in the majority of cases, but at the same time a necessary emotion...stress.


Weight Management & Nutrition: Is it as complicated as it seems?

You can't imagine how many factors ultimately influence what and how much we eat - but it's not so complicated, as we might think.


Cranberry: The beneficial properties and benefits of this summer must-have

Αfter the sunscreen with natural filter, it's time for the cranberry supplement to go in your bag along with your daily snack, since its benefits seem to be many and...evidence-based!


Essential Oils: Benefits & Ways of Use

We've all heard about essential oils and whenever we hear about them, suddenly spring scents come to our mind.


Natural Sunscreen: The best sunscreen for you and the environment

Our daily choices, large and small, affect our health and quality of life and exert a huge environmental impact. In 2024, it is imperative that we do our best to protect the environment and choose the most sustainable and eco-friendly choices, whenever possible.


Probiotics & Irritable Bowel: Ways to Treat Symptoms

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional bowel disorder, with the majority of sufferers, being women.


Menstruation and Nutrition: 5+1 dietary tips for more painless symptoms

The creation and continuation of life is due to the ability of the female body to be able to support the process of conception, pregnancy and childbirth.


World Health Day 2024: What does it mean to be healthy?

The 7th of April has been designated as World Health Day, a day that marks the launch of the World Health Organization (WHO), which marks 76 years of operation this year.


Woman & Menopause: Possible Symptoms and Ways of Treatment

Menopause is one of the key stages in woman's life. The age of menopause ranges from 45-55 years, with the duration and severity of symptoms vary greatly from woman to woman.


Iron: One of the most important minerals in the body

Iron is a widely distributed metal in nature and is particularly important for the human body. It is retained in large quantities in the body and about 90% is reabsorbed and reused every day.


Glucosamine: What are its benefits to the joints?

Glucosamine is produced and found naturally in the human body. The body uses glucosamine to build and repair cartilage.


Protein: How much do I need and which supplements can I consume daily?

The word "protein" has taken over, for many years now in world of wellness.


Calcium: The protagonist in bone health..and more

Calcium is a mineral that is not produced in the body, which is why diet is the main source of calcium and plays an important role in bone and dental health.


Collagen Peptides: A promising option with beneficial health benefits!

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, supporting about 1/3 of our body's structure. We are used to associating the word protein with muscle mass. However, protein is the "structure of our life" we would say...


Intermittent Fasting: The ideal diet for weight loss?

Fasting is known to be one of the oldest traditions in the world and has been used in various communities for either cultural or religious reasons, as well as a healing method for illnesses in the past.


Coenzyme Q10: The 5 most important health benefits

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like molecule, which is considered very important, for energy production, inside the “energy production factory" within the cell, the mitochondrion.


Magnesium: The properties and everything you need to know

Magnesium is a vital mineral for the normal functioning of the body, being a co-factor for over 300 reactions that help maintain blood pressure and heart rate at normal levels, as well as strong bones.


Zinc: How you can deal with winter infections with one of the most important minerals?

Zinc is one of the 24 essential minerals for our body, found in a variety of plant and animal foods, but it can also be taken in supplement form, where it is recommended.


New year, new me

And it's that time of year when we all do a rewind and think about what went & what didn't go well and what could have gone better.


The Ultimate Nutritional Guide after Christmas holidays

The first week of every January is characterized by intense feelings of anxiety about the pounds we - probably - put on during Christmas holidays.


Skincare: How important is moisturizer for our daily hydration?

Facial moisturizer is one of the most important steps in our daily facial care and maintaining the health of our skin.


I have water retention: How can I get rid of it?

You may experience weight fluctuations from one day to the other. This is most likely due to water retention, which can occur for a variety of reasons and is usually temporary and harmless.


Ketogenic or Keto Diet: What is it and for whom is being addressed?

Keto diet or ketogenic diet was originally used to treat drug-resistant epilepsy in children, as it appears to reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures.


Probiotics: The "hidden" treasure of our health

Did you know that we live with around 40 trillion bacteria, whose integrity plays an integral role in our physical and mental health?


Gluten: What is it, in which foods and drinks we can find it and when to avoid it?

Gluten is a protein found in many grains, including wheat, barley, rye and triticale - a cross between wheat and rye.


Collagen: What it is and what is the best supplement

Collagen is the most abundant building block in the body, supporting the health of not only our skin - as many of you will have heard - but also the healthy structure of bones, joints & tendons.


Cholesterol: How to reduce it and which food & supplements can help?

Cholesterol is a lipid produced by the liver and is required by the body for vitamin D production, the formation of the layers of cell membranes and the production of certain hormones, such as estrogen.


Athens Marathon 2023: Pre-race Nutrition & Hydration

The Marathon is one of the most popular and demanding Olympic events worldwide. It is a road race of a distance equal to about 42km, with the first official marathon being among the first Olympic Games in Athens, in 1896, won by the well-known, Spyros Louis.


Vitamin B12: How do I achieve normal values and what is the effect on our mental health?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an essential vitamin that the body needs but cannot produce on its own.


World Food Day 2023: Learn how a Vegan diet can be balanced!

More and more people are deciding to become vegan, i.e. strictly vegetarian, for ethical, environmental or health reasons. Vegan and vegetarian diets seem to be among the top dietary trends, but there is evidence that some people have been following a predominantly plant-based or vegetarian diet for centuries.


Boosting immunity: Which is the Best Vitamin?

The immune system is our body's defence centre, the function of which is crucial for the effective treatment of pathogenic microorganisms.


World Heart Day: Our eating habits and their important role

Due to the initiative of the World Heart Federation, 24 years ago, World Heart Day was established and it is celebrated every year on 29th September. I wonder what motivated the international bodies to establish this day?


What are the Omega-3 fatty acids and why do you need them?

Fat is one of the three macronutrients in our diet, which means that not only is it essential, but along with protein and carbohydrates it is one of the ingredients we need the most in our daily diet.


Vitamin D: An essential supplement for everyone

Vitamin D or the so called “the sunshine vitamin" belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins, which means that it requires the presence of fat in order to be absorbed and stored in adipose tissue and the liver (yes, it belongs to the vitamins stored in our body, such as A, E & K).


Turmeric: A very promising herb for healthy joints

Turmeric is an herbaceous plant from the Zingiberaceae family – closely related to ginger - and is one of the most famous herbs, which has made its appearance in the Western world some decades ago.


Vitamin C: Rich nutritional sources, properties & benefits

Many people consider vitamin C as the "vitamin queen", and not unfairly as it’s indeed a "super-vitamin", which takes part in a variety of functions in our body.


The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Consult a health care professional such as your doctor, especially in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, existing health conditions or any medication.