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Hyaluronic Acid: The most important hydration factor

by Maria Kirmanidou, Dietitian & Sport Nutritionist

13 Sept 2024 • 0 min read

Are you one of the people who believe that hyaluronic acid is only found in the skin? Or even that it is an artificial element and not a natural component of our body? Living through the last quarter of 2024, having instant access to promotional posts and entertainment reels on social media platforms, you will surely have seen an advertisement for hyaluronic in the lips or hyaluronic in the eyes. However, most of us hear hyaluronic and don't know what it is. That's why we've chosen to discuss about this amazing ingredient, discovered in 1934 and for almost a century, science has generously offered us knowledge that's worth breaking down so we can learn together about its multi-purpose nature.

What is hyaluronic acid?

First, let's start with something basic. Hyaluronic acid is abundant in the human body and is a normal component of connective, epithelial and nerve tissue. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that belongs to the glycosaminoglycans. Wow, what is that?
Glucosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a group of compounds found just under the outer layer of the skin (the epidermis), called dermis. This is where we find the largest amount of hyaluronic acid, which along with the other glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, collagen - in large quantities - and elastin, are the most important components that keep our skin smooth and glowing. In other words, where there is collagen in the body, there is also hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic Acid & Properties

  • Hyaluronic acid is an excellent bioactive molecule, which has the ability to bind a large number of water molecules, and as a result, together with water, it adsorbs nutrients to various tissues of our body. Its powerful moisturizing properties make it a vital component in the skin. Almost half the amount of hyaluronic acid in the human body is found there (an average 70kg person "carries" about 15g of hyaluronic acid).
  • At the same time, it enhances hydration and resistance to mechanical damage in the eyes, joints and...pericardium!
  • It plays a key role in cell renewal, proliferation and differentiation of new cells.

So why is it found in so many places in the human body? What does it offer?

The cells of the human body are renewed every 28 days.

  • It helps inflammation reduction and fight excess free radicals, also acting as an antioxidant.
  • As a major component of the extracellular matrix of the skin, it plays an active role in wound healing.

Hyaluronic Acid & Uses

Over the last 20 years, scientific research has focused on the isolation and application of hyaluronic acid in various fields of dermatology, ophthalmology, oncology and orthopedics, due to its excellent biocompatibility. In other words, it is an ingredient that is very easily available with negligible side effects. As an example, promising data are obtained from the clinical study by Gollner and colleagues, who administered 20mL of hyaluronic acid to 20 women aged 45-60 years. Administration of hyaluronic acid for 40 days resulted in a 17% reduction in skin roughness and wrinkle depth. In addition, the scientific team of Michelotti and colleagues studied the administration of a new, advanced technology, hyaluronic acid sample, composed of a large number of molecular weights, ExceptionHYAL® Star (Roelmi HPC, Origgio, Italy), a key component of the Timeless, Holland & Barrett, expert product. Administration of 200mg of ExceptionHYAL® Star per day to 60 middle-aged women for 28 days resulted in improved skin hydration by 11%, a reduction in wrinkle depth and volume by 18%, and an increase in skin elasticity and firmness by 5%.
In addition to oral administration, hyaluronic acid is used as a topical ingredient in facial care products such as moisturizing serums, face and body creams. Due to its versatility as an ingredient, it is highly tolerated by most skin types, from the driest to the oiliest. Finally, products with multiple molecular weights of hyaluronic acid have the ability to deeply hydrate the skin, as low-molecular weight hyaluronic acid molecules penetrate the inner layers of the skin, while medium and high molecular weight molecules hydrate the outer layers of the skin.

Friendly reminder: In case of dermatopathy, guidance from a dermatologist is considered necessary.


Hyaluronic acid is a widely used ingredient found naturally in the human body. Its benefits are innumerable and range from glowing and smooth skin to hydrating numerous tissues of the human body. It is the subject of research in many scientific fields, from dermatology to orthopedics. Holland & Barrett continues to use materials from nature and turn them into nutritional supplements and natural skincare products that help improve quality of life. However, let's not forget the pillar of wellness in our lives, which is achieving balance on all levels. And no balance can be found without care!

Scientific References

Bravo, B., Correia, P., Gonçalves Junior, J. E., Sant'Anna, B., & Kerob, D. (2022). Benefits of topical hyaluronic acid for skin quality and signs of skin aging: From literature review to clinical evidence. Dermatologic therapy, 35(12), e15903.
Göllner, I., Voss, W., von Hehn, U., & Kammerer, S. (2017). Ingestion of an oral hyaluronan solution improves skin hydration, wrinkle reduction, elasticity, and skin roughness: Results of a clinical study. Journal of evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine, 22(4), 816-823.

Iaconisi, G. N., Lunetti, P., Gallo, N., Cappello, A. R., Fiermonte, G., Dolce, V., & Capobianco, L. (2023). Hyaluronic Acid: A Powerful Biomolecule with Wide-Ranging Applications—A Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(12), 10296.

Michelotti, A., Cestone, E., De Ponti, I., Pisati, M., Sparta, E., & Tursi, F. (2021). Oral intake of a new full-spectrum hyaluronan improves skin profilometry and ageing: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. European Journal of Dermatology, 31(6), 798-805.

Salwowska, N. M., Bebenek, K. A., Żądło, D. A., & Wcisło‐Dziadecka, D. L. (2016). Physiochemical properties and application of hyaluronic acid: a systematic review. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 15(4), 520-526.


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